On one of these blessed days sitting by the pool in my fathers house, we just started talking about women because i said Lagos babes(the various classes,are just characters)...
T then proceeded to tell me the types of women we have and are listed below:
Then T2 said Wifey,iyawo,olo mi is IRREPLACEABLE,and the only one that is Irreplaceable. She is the one baby loves and will always love(he just comes back to her),BUT and a big but he will cheat on her with Boos and keles until he realizes no one does it like she does.... and he said am looking for wifey and continued sipping his Heineken....
Boo: on the other hand is very replaceable,she thinks she is WIFEY but will never be WIFEY because WIFEY was made WIFEY!!!! Boo tries to take WIFEY'S spot,but once she attempts, the guy would let her get A TASTE but she will never achieve this spot for more than a few months....Most times boo gets replaced with another boo or the man gets mature and moves back to his first love...OB said this as he is seriously trying to cut down on his numerous boos and make one wifey...I personally feel that boo can lead to wifey(but its in some cases oh!!!)...
KELE;On the other hand and both of them had varied opinions,Kele to T is just handbag and for when he is having a long day(can u imagine). To OD he takes kele everywhere so he has something to feel on(i was standing up at this time and i almost fell into the pool with laughter " the statement"i take her everywhere" OD works for himself and has flexible times and is a man about time so i can imagine Kele feeling all hot in the passengers seat...Mercy oh Lord,MERCY!!!!
Am not saying that what this "wonderful" friends of mine are saying is the best or is right but ladies pls open Ur beautiful eyes and use them(if u have contacts on(u for try remove am,or get better ones)as they may be unknown hindrances) dont be with a man because u dont want to be single be with him cuz it makes sense and both of u are in love and all those ish..Pls Men be careful oh... as "HELL KNOWS NOT THE FURY OF A WOMAN SCORNED"
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