Thursday 16 September 2010


I remember times when i spoke Yoruba and some of my friends would tell me "Yeni its razz", i remember another of my friends saying that her brothers called a babe random because she speaks Yoruba with them sometimes(that now is stupid and random)how can speaking your mother tongue be razz as in??? Have you noticed that in America the Indians,Asians and the rest speak their mother tongues fluently an bet they even speak English better, all i can say is that its so stupid and amazing because you want to learn these languages and its language and they are proudly speaking it....

Why do we have this mentality that if our children speak their local language they won’t be able to speak English? You! yes you, don’t you speak both English and Yoruba and maybe another language like French effortlessly? Or what exactly is the issue, I really what to understand it. If someone can explain it to me I will appreciate that.

I have one kind of respect for people who can speak Yoruba,Igbo,Hausa and the others well and English even better.When some of my Hausa friends speak Hausa or Nupe am so tripped and ashamed because we Yorubas find it very degrading(Rubbish and nonsense) It trips me. I am definitely not the best Yoruba speaking person (I can hardly pray well in Yoruba or read a book in Yoruba) but I can converse relatively well in Yoruba.
Our native languages we have so belittled has serious potential. And you are there feeling cool speaking Queen English. Proud that your children don’t speak Yoruba. Yeye! The truth of the matter is that is "INFERIORITY COMPLEX"...end of story!!!

Yoruba is such a rich language and if we are not careful it will go into extinction with all this nonsense posh behavior we acquired from only God knows where. Today, Latin is considered a dead language. Even though it is still taught in schools, there are no native, fluent speakers of Latin. What a shame!

We all need to do our part if we don’t want same happening to the Yoruba Language. I beg una, keep speaking the language. Hopefully our mentality will change gradually.

I have said my own o! If I have offended any one by this note, e ni binu ni o (don’t be annoyed) because na true talk I talk and you know it. :)

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