1. Lose weight (1,057 votes)
2. Be happy (684 votes)
3. Save money (636 votes)
4. Fall in love (554 votes)
5. Get a job (515 votes)
6. Read more (433 votes)
7. Eat, drink, try or learn something new (378 votes)
8. Quit Smoking (345 votes)
9. Take a photo every day for a year (266 votes)
10. Run a marathon (255 votes)
And 5 of mine are here,guess them and win a recharge card...Am waiting
1,2,3,4 and 7. where do l collect my recharge card. na airlet and starcom l dey use o.
u were almost right, no 4 isnt there
1,2,3,6 and 7
yes opeyemi you got it...Send me your no to my facebook page(omoyeni disu) and i would call u
this na 'ojoro' o, who does not want to fall in love. at least l got 4 over 5....for school that is very very good. at least compensate me with l recharge card.
@anonymous:OK u talk true sha...Send me a MSG on facebook @omoyeni disu with ur details and network 2
1,2,3,4,7...When am i getting mine ooo...*smile*
thank you forthe gift.
awww meg its a tad bit late,look out for our next question
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