Ps: blogger doesn't space out my posts and I don't know why,its very irritating, and I've tried everything I know but nothing seems to be working.
Pls if you know how this can be rectified let me know oh! Biko
Oya Yeni pakurumo ko jo dada.
My blog is TWO today and I'm uber excited, wow two years, thank God. Two years don waka, I still dey carry go!!!!
Its been a very wonderful journey, made friends(some I haven't even met) and they have stayed true to me and the blog providing their love, support, time, encouragement, criticism, comments and RT's hehe
Thank you to LG (my booest boo), lolade onilenla, excited jade, simply mee( she prayed with me,gave me advice, commented all the time, my friend,my small mumy), Dynamique prof, sisi yemi, Detola crystals, Lamalizle, Funke Agbaje, Omalicha barbie, Zaine,Michael( who gave me some breaking news, remember that one na),Femi fams(my goon), Ariyo(my special somborri), KVC,Aunty loly(my small chops provider) hehe,Djinee,Kunle, Disun,Linda ikeji, my ex Dami-he actually always encouraged me.
My Mum who caught on the blog later and became my no 1 supplier of pics, there was no show I didn't get ticket for and no it wasn't vip ticket oh! Vvip all the way, my mama 70! Mama toh sure!!! She would say "come oh! Yeni don't you want this pic? chei we have to make this blog a "breaker of exclusive pictures" haha
Thank you mama for it all, I love you.
MY DADDY: To my no 1 supporter the person that made me start blogging that faithful day, June 8th 2010 and this was after he had talked and in my mind I said "wo blogging ko, leave me na" but he was persistent and I must say his persistence paid off.
He sat up and thought of my company name "HOMEMADE ENTERTAINMET", he would go on the internet outsource jist for me, send me pictures, he majorly gave me my comments, he would leave his own thing and be doing my own, I don't thank him enough,but God knows I love him..
He was the one that pushed me in my quest for this entertainment industry and hasn't stopped, he showed me how to be determined, strong, he paved the way for me,I know God will bless you for your efforts on me.
And to everyone one else that in one way or the other helped the blog grow, God bless and increase you abundantly.
Love you guys.....
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